연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 미래소재: 휴먼 인터페이스 고분자 소재 및 소자 기술
발표장 제6회장
논문코드 1L6-5
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 16:00-16:25
논문제목 Organic Artificial Peripheral Nerves interfacing with Biological Nerves
발표자 이태우
발표자 소속 서울대학교
저자 이태우
소속 서울대학교
논문초록 Here, artificial nervous systems were developed by using organic electronics to emulating peripheral nervous system. Pressure sensors, organic ring oscillators, and synaptic transistors were integrated to emulate the biological sensory nerve system. By forming a hybrid reflex arc that connects artificial sensory nerve and biological motor nerves the applicability for neural prostheses was verified. In addition, by integrating a stretchable artificial synapse, and a polymer actuator stretchable artificial sensorimotor nervous system was developed. In parallel, the system distinguished the alphabet Morse code which showed the potential as an optical wireless communication method for human-machine interface. Furthermore, artificial auditory system was emulated by integrating a triboelectric sensor. Our organic artificial nerve systems suggest promising strategy for bioinspired electronics, soft robotics, and neuroprosthetics.